This post was inspired by a question a member had in one my Facebook Marketing groups I belong to.

The member asked:

Can you share where you get ideas for content to put into your daily emails to your list?

That’s a GREAT question!

The question specifically is regarding content for email marketing, but the question could easily apply to any type of content you are trying to create – content for emails, videos, blog posts, articles, podcasts, social media posts, etc.

I answered the member quickly in Facebook, but here is a more detailed answer to that question.

5 Ways To Create Content, And Never Run Out Of Ideas:

  1. Scan the marketing emails in your inbox every day. Any subject lines or content that catches your eye, throw it into a swipe file. You can’t steal those emails verbatim, but you can ‘bend’ them to your email purposes. Your inbox is a gold mine.
  2. Draw from your own life experiences. Pull out any thought, experience, education, personal stuff, thing’s you’ve read & learned, etc – and ‘bend’ it to your email purposes.
  3. Use current events. Anything that’s going on in the world today or in the news, use it in your emails and ‘bend it’ to your email marketing purposes.
  4. If you have a coach, mentor, or special internet marketer or publisher that you enjoy following, chances are they’re probably putting out content regulary, perhaps even daily. So borrow from their emails, videos, blog posts, podcasts, etc to create your own content, but do it totally in your own voice and in your own style!! Don’t steal, but rewrite and make it your own.
  5. Mash differet sources of information together into something unique and creative. For example, you may have gained a nugget of wisdom from watching a youtube video recently. So you jot that down. Then a couple days later you listend to a great podcast that talked about the different types of emails you can send to your list. Well, go ahead and MASH those ideas together and come up with your own unique content!!

A humorous side note: ‘Mashing’ is a technical term I use to describe bringing together different ideas from various sources and then combining them into a uniquie and creative new idea. Brilliant!!

As you begin to practicing the 5 methods for creating content described above, here’s a couple of extra golden nuggets for you to keep in mind:

Golden Nugget #1: Always remember that copywriting is illegal, but no one has ownership over ideas, principles, concepts, and truths. You can reuse and re-purpose ideas, principles, concepts, and truths that other people are teaching – just make sure you re-write them or re-voice them into your own words and style. You want to make them your own by expressing them the way you would say them.

Golden Nugget #2: You are never stuck for ideas. Content is EVERYWHERE. If you feel you are stuck for content, then you just haven’t exercised your creative side yet. Being stuck or confused is just a mindset. Practice opening up your creative mind and let ideas flow. Don’t over-analyze anything. Grab pieces of information from here and there, mash them together, and bend them to your email purposes. Don’t worry about perfection or getting it right. Just let it flow. Do it imperfectly. And then get your emails out there. Publish, Publish, Publish!!

I hope you enjoyed this post and received value.

To Life, Abundance, and Prosperity!
